Monday, April 30, 2012

大学 :3

部落格不知道何时换了新格式 、不会用去 TOT

这整个月都过得很充实 、 可能因为上了大学的关系  没那么懒惰了
功课 都很努力在做 为的就是好成绩 进Degree申请奖学金

除了学业  也很勇敢的向大学提出建立Cheer Club
跟我前任对长与某个队伍的教练合理搞好着 发现到真的很多东西做

我也当起了小小的Vise Pre. 希望不会搞砸  现在头疼着Proposal ..

这个地位 说真的很大压力 也做得很火 队员都没什么合作 、曾经提出退位 可是听了意见后 

决定要好好地搞好她  人生必经的过程

人缘也好了很多 Orientation week认识了好多好多很好的朋友、被加入FB 的Retarded group XD

他们虽然爱玩 却也好好的在读书 、

或许因为自己不爱说话的个性 让我觉得容不进 所以退出了

同一天 他们都很关心着我为什么无端端退出· 也有些在Inbox慰问鼓励 、

参加比赛他们也在帮着我宣传 :P


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Photoshoot by Adam

礼拜去了第2场外拍 、被Adam 大师拍  荣幸 XD
也不会说很静那种 一直陪我聊东聊西  突然觉得 其实我自己话真的很多 :P

整个拍摄还蛮愉快的 、虽然太阳公公很热烈的欢迎我们 /.\
这次的拍摄 换了两套服装

本来花裙应该是拍比较青春型的  可是 因为发掘到  ''凶神恶煞'' 更适合我 所以就····· 

其实拍摄不只麻豆要摆Pose 摄影师也蛮辛苦的···
辛苦Adam需要整个躺在湿湿的地上帮我拍以下的 TOT 

可能因为气氛很愉快 所以很快就可以自己发挥 有不对的 Adam也会指导

拍摄结果出来 真的好喜欢 也很满意 本身表现也比上次的好很多

然后很谢谢Adam 给我的评语 :3




更多照片请浏览以下网站 :

Adam Tai

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Photoshoots by Kelvin

Friday, which is yesterday.
Went for a photoshoot at Garden restaurant with Kelvin :3

Thanks to Mr. Anson Lau :P for fetching me from uni to Garden and waited for me to finish my shoot .
That time was about 4.30pm , rush to north tower to take MR200 for previous competition and he have to bring me back home, and rush back to have tuition classes. SORRY ! TOT

谢谢刘先生 在我去这里那里 然后等我外拍
那时候已经4.30 还有走去North tower 拿钱 、然后载我回家 再赶着回去补习
对不起 ! TOT .....

The photo are really nice, but not me.
I went for the shoot right after my class, so I did not apply on make up, nice dresses and lens
Actually I have no idea why its so pianful when I put on my lens in the morning TOT
My eyes look kinda ugly, smile not natural and my fringe -.- sucks !
Did not want to cut it, cause I wanna leave it long, so I can change hair style to middle line ( 中分 )
Already 3 month, still so short ! /.\

Thanks to Kelvin for the shoots, and teach me so patiently, when Im soooo stupid and shy to do poses .
Next shoot will be better :D

I cant smile nicely without showing teeth -.- weird feeling 

Some pictures wont be uploaded at the page. 
So stay tune on me punya bloq, will upload it here.

Another shoots tomorrow, must apply make up and lens ady .
All the best la Tracy Wong.

University :3

26 Of march - HELP University orientation.

Thought I will all so ALONE there, as there is no one I know there.
Was in the theatre stoning , waiting for lecturer to give some speak, introduing HELP.

Surprising thing is that, FINALLY , I saw someone I know , and she has been is the same class as me since FORM 1 !
Its Ginny ! Aku punya cheer captain / co captain ! XDXD

Two weeks of orientation week, one week 2 days class, go also nothing to do :/
Just excited about the clubs :P

Joined Latin dance club, hip hop and street dance !
Next will be student council, c2age club.

Plan to go for performing arts, event management club, but do I have time to commint on so many clubs ? - wondering -


Currently studying FIA, then degree will have mass com. Decided long time ago, actually plan to go for diploma instead.
Mummy and daddy are afraid that I will regret or something, so , FOUNDATION first .

Having mass com, more on media, instead or corperate . 
Wider career field.

Imma officially HELP UNI student XD

Next week onwards will start all the classes, assignment , quiz.
Gahhhh , must be more hardworking! Not gonna lazying arround anymore .